Blog / Hiring

Wanted: Copy editors who get technical

Copy editing roles fill faster when they include technical writing
Copy editing roles fill faster when they include technical writing

Every recruiter knows that hiring is a competitive business. The way you describe a position can make the difference in whether you find the most qualified candidates, and how quickly.

One example that popped up recently in a search through Textio’s data set was in job postings for Copy Editors. Turns out that listings for Copy Editor are 25% more likely to fill quickly when they include the term “technical writing.” That’s a good indication that a high number of qualified applicants are interested in those jobs.

So two takeaways…

  • If you are a copy editor looking for a job, it’s time to brush up on your technical writing.
  • If you’re a recruiter looking to fill a copy editor role that includes some technical writing, be sure to write that into your job listing!

Topics: Hiring, Recruiting, Uncategorized, Data